Ergonomics rules to improve working conditions in the office

All current studies tend to show that there is a strong correlation between productivity, motivation and well-being at work . To maximize this feeling of fulfillment at work, managers are increasingly resorting to alternative practices such as organizing external seminars or team-building sessions, implementing automated tools or practicing active listening to employees’ needs. However, following the rules of ergonomics at work is one of the key points of the feeling of well-being of employees, often forgotten in companies. Through comfort and the provision of equipment adapted to the tasks assigned to the different branches of the company, managers demonstrate their concern to provide for the practical needs of employees, protect their health, and thus allow them to devote themselves more intensely to the growth of their company. Explanations.

Regularly learn about good practices in ergonomicss

The constraint of bodies in the face of commercial imperatives and corporate objectives marks a bygone era. Today, it is fully accepted that productivity and well-being are no longer contradictory but must, on the contrary, be optimized jointly to improve employee performance. Companies need to followasic ergonomic rules to ensure constant growth . Increasingly, employee creativity is becoming the company’s primary resource. To maximize it, it is therefore important to ensure their comfort, an essential prerequisite for everyone to thrive in their position. However, ergonomics remains a subject that is poorly understood by managers, which is why it is essential for them to regularly obtain new information on this subject by browsing specialized hsites thatprovide practical advice and up-to-date purchasing guides.

Opt for ergonomic furniture

The first imperative for comfort at work, the choice of suitable furniture, should always follow the most basic rules of ergonomics. Thus, the selection of an armchair must necessarily be indexed on the task of the employee who will sit there. Height adjustment and modularity of the different elements, such as armrests or ease of use, must be the principles that guide the manager in search of productivity. The desk is another essential element of the workstation. Here again, a rational selection deserves to focus on the needs of the future occupant. A designer will need a tilting work surface, while a computer scientist will need to be able to work long hours on his screen without risking future musculoskeletal disorders due to inappropriate posture. In addition, being able to adapt his workstation to his build or size should always be possible for the employee.

Individual ergonomic rules

The pursuit of effective ergonomics must also include preventive and informational action. Managers should always ensure that their employees know and follow the basic rules of ergonomics when they are busy at their workstation. In addition to promoting fulfillment at work and preserving their health, employees will see this as a clear concern from their hierarchy to provide for their comfort. Training your troops in its basic rules is therefore essential because they are not always intuitive. Knowing how to place your computer at a good distance, adjusting the height of your seat, optimizing your position to limit light reflections are all little tips that may seem very poor in substance but which, taken together, promote the comfort of the occupant and allow him to work better and longer.

Posture and movement

A determining aspect in the monitoring of ergonomics rules, posture is surely the main means of action to limit the appearance of physical disorders of employees. Here again, the manager has a preponderant role because it is he who should be on the lookout for bad postures and, through his knowledge of the subject, be able to suggest to employees to rework them to avoid chronic back pain, the suffering of our century. It is essential to maintain your back with a straight posture to avoid curving your lower back. The distance between the desk and the seat should always be minimal to avoid tension due to arm extension. In addition, the thighs should be parallel to the ground and rest on a solid base, with your feet flat on the ground. Finally, the height of the screen should be adjusted to eye level to avoid cervical tension and neck pain.

The importance of lighting

Light is also an important aspect of the ergonomic rules to follow to limit employee fatigue. Soft lighting close to natural light preserves worker morale and limits eye fatigue. Avoid overly bright bulbs that accelerate lacrimation and quickly cause pain in the optic nerve, drastically reducing the time employees spend in front of screens.

Companies looking to improve employee comfort should never limit the budget allocated to lighting. Thus, a good investment would be to purchase dimmable lighting fixtures to allow everyone to modulate their lighting according to the time of day and the sunlight. You can also invest in adjustable blinds to filter the rays and avoid glare that can interfere with concentration.

Reduce noise pollution

Finally, noise pollution is often forgotten in attempts to optimize the workspace. However, it is largely responsible for the feeling of frustration, even irritation, of employees. Defective ventilation, excessively noisy air conditioning or defective heating often generate continuous and annoying noise, which affects not only the morale but also the concentration of employees. So, no,w how to take the necessary maintenance measures to comply with ergonomic rules. Properly insulating your premises, particularly with double glazing, is just as important to limit the spread of external noise. Finally, interior soundproofing can also be useful, especially if your company has chosen to develop in an oopen spacewhere the telephone conversations of some and the clicking of keyboards of others can quickly form a cacophony far from offering an ideal environment for intellectual work.

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